Vivien DENIS

Associate Professor, INSA CVL, LaMé, Blois, France

I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering (INSA Lyon, GMC, 2011) and a PhD in Acoustics (Université du Maine, LAUM, 2014). Since 2017, I work as an associate professor (maître de conférence) in INSA Centre Val de Loire (Blois). My research activities are done within the Laboratoire de Mécanique Gabriel LaMé (LaMé).

About Me

I ride bikes for fun and transport. In my free time I play music: I played the clarinet in various wind bands, marching bands and jazz ensemble. I also play the irish flute and the uilleann pipes with friends. Sometimes I 3D-print instruments. I also like to grow trees, fruits and vegetables.

Research Interests

During my PhD, I worked under the supervision of Pr. François Gautier and Dr. Adrien Pelat on the Acoustic Black Hole (ABH) effect. The main idea behind it is the use of a gradient of both bending stiffness and damping properties in the aim of localizing and efficiently damp the flexural waves in thin structures (beams and plates). This constitutes an interesting way to damp structural vibrations. Since this ABH effect locally increases the vibration amplitude, I then worked as a postdoc and studied geometrical nonlinearities taking place in plates of variable thickness, under the supervision of Pr. Cyril Touzé. During my second postdoc, which was supervised by Pr. Olivier Thomas, I worked on identifying nonlinearities, specifically backbone curves, using a Phase-Locked Loop.

Nowadays, within the team Dynamique et Vibrations des Structures (DVS) of the LaMé, I work with Pr. Jean-Mathieu Mencik on topics including wave propagation, defect identification in structural waveguides and model order reduction. I also work with Pr. Roger Serra on fault detection in structures and vibration fatigue. I had or have the pleasure to co-supervise the PhD theses of Diego Salam Claro, Anurag Dubey, Luca Campello and Pouloumde Nikiema.

Teaching Activities

I teach at INSA CVL, Blois, in the Industrial systems engineering (GSI) and Sciences and Techniques for Engineers (STPI) departments. I give lectures and tutorials in Structural Vibrations and Vibroacoustics. I also supervise practical works in Computed Aided Drawing, Machining and Fluid Mechanics.

Selected publications